Saturday, February 5, 2011

To My Love!

To My Husband, My Love, My Best Friend,
Thank you to all you do, thank you for risking your life for our freedom, when not many else will do it. Thank you for working so hard, so that I can stay home with our daughters. I can't thank you enough for all you do, for the sacrifices that you make for our family. To be gone so much, and miss out on all these things back home. You truly are a hero! You are so strong when I am weak, you make everyday so much better. I can't wait to have you home, to have our family whole again. I can't wait to wrap up in your arms, to feel your warm touch. I can't wait to see you with the girls, they need their daddy so bad. I am so blessed to be married to such a wonderful and loving man, I am the luckiest girl in the world. I wouldn't trade a day of our life together for anything else. We have been through the best, the worst, and everything in between together, and that is how it will be for the rest of our lives. I love you, I miss you, and I can't wait to have you home where you belong!

Since the computer won't let me load it, look up this song and really listen to it!
Toby Keith-American Soldier