Wednesday, March 16, 2011

5 down 2 to go!

Today we hit the 5 month mark, I can't believe we are almost done, I'm so excited! It feels like it's been an eternity since I saw my man standing in front of me. I know it's only been 5 months, and looking back 5 months doesn't seem like that long ago, but it seems like forever since we have been together. I know 2 months is not long at all until we get him home, but it sure will feel like 5 months all over again! I am praying that I can keep calm and keep it together this last little bit that we have left to push through. I have always thought that the people that are deployed are the ones in danger, that we at home need to be praying for their safety 24/7 (and we do), but what I didn't realize is that I would need prayer for my own and my childrens safety as well, I didn't know that my girls would try to kill me everyday of my life, or each other, or me kill them (not really, it's a joke)'s a dangerous job! Today we celebrated by going to the park with our friends, and then I took my sweet peas on a date to Olive Garden our favorite place! They have never been so good at one meal, I never heard a peep out of them, they sat there nicely and ate their meal and people watched the whole time. After dinner we went over to the mall, looked around for a little bit, still never heard a sound from them, then I took them to the play place in the mall (usually we have a rough time staying in the play place), they had a blast! They even gave some random little boy kisses, although gross it's better than them biting him. Since it wasn't very crowded I even let them walk back through the mall and to the exit, Jaelyn helped push the stroller the whole time, while Ava batted her eyes, blew kisses, and said hello to everyone (even the maniquins). I was amazed at how well they listened and stayed right by my side, usually it's buh bye with a wave and off Ava goes in the completely opposite direction, Jaelyn is usually the one that sticks close and wants to hold hands. We got to the door to leave and I was terrified at the trantrum that I thought was about to happen because of all the people that were around with getting them in their stroller to go to the car, much to my dismay, there was not a sound, when they easily got in there and buckled up...I was in shock!! I had an amazing day with my girls, and although this is a tough life it is completely worth it...I wouldn't take back a second of any day for anything, if I had changed one thing about my past I might not be where I am today with my amazing husband, and two amazing girls, with such a wonderful family and in-laws, with awesome friends!! So congratulations to us, we are almost done!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

New Obsession!!

So I have recently been obsessed with getting new music to my ipod. Finding a song that relates to me or maybe a part of a song, I have always loved music, but when a song comes on the radio and it reminds you of your loved one, then it's hard to keep listening. So now that I am over that, I enjoy finding songs that remind me of my hubby, and I can't wait for him to be home with us! So I am going to tell you my playlist that's in my ipod as my favorites, listen to a couple and see what you think!

Don't you wanna stay- Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson- "I don't want to just make love, I want to make love last"

I won't give up- Jana Kramer- "I will be by your side if ever you fall deep in the dead of the night"

Let me down easy- Billy Currington- "If I leave my heart with you tonight, can you promise me you will treat it right"

A little bit stronger- Sara Evans- "Turned on the radio, stupid song made me think of you, I listened to it for a minute, but then I changed it, I'm getting a little bit stronger"

Lovesong- Adele- "However far away I will always love you, however long I stay I will always love you, whatever words I say I will always love you"

Need you now- Lady Antebellum- "It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now, said I wouldn't call, but I lost all control, and I need you now. And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now"

I know I'm usually stuck on country, but I have expanded my music wings and gone out there with a few others, I hope you enjoy my favorite playlist!!