Saturday, April 2, 2011

It's April!!

April is finally upon us, oh how I have waited for this month to come. I finally get to say I will see you next month! How good does that sound? As I sit here and think about the past 6 months, I think of what a crazy long journey it has been. We have been through so much and we still have 6 weeks to go! I know 6 weeks is not much, I can't complain about that when we have already done so much time, but I seriously can't wait any longer, I am getting so excited. I can't wait to see my sweet mans face, to see him with our precious daughters again, to see how they act and what they do, just to be held again, to have a conversation with an adult at night, to not spend the nights alone anymore, to not spend the weekends alone!! Since I had been back from Tx the weather hadn't been as great as it could have been, I felt like I wasn't missing out on much without having my man home, but now that the weather has been amazing, it makes me miss him that much more. To know that all my friends are out with their husbands enjoying the weekends together, or spending time out in the beautiful sunshine, I long for that, to just go to the park with my hubby and watch our girls play, to take them to the zoo, or to even go run together. I am in some desperate need of lovin from him, and I can't wait to just cuddle up in his arms. Living the military lifestyle is hard, it's hard on your body, it's hard on your mind, it makes your days long, and your nights longer, it makes raising kids so difficult, it makes going to the grocery store nearly impossible, and it makes getting 5 minutes alone very impossible! I could care less about the readjustment time it will take to get used to being a family again, I just want him home!! I am so proud of him and all he has done, there hasn't been a time that I have gotten a email or phone call that I can remember him complaining about a single thing, I really wish I could be more like him. I hate to complain about the past 6 months because I have gotten to raise our precious girls and see them grow and change before my eyes, but somedays it's just so hard not to whine about something. But finally I WILL SEE YOU NEXT MONTH!

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