Sunday, May 1, 2011

Finally the month of May!

From the day they leave we all look forward to entering the month they come home, well I have finally entered that month, thank the Lord! The true countdown can begin, I wish that you all could countdown with me, but because of safety I can't let that information out! I am so excited I get butterflies everytime I think about the moment he steps off that bus. I try to imagine what it will be like, will I be anxious/nervous, will I be so excited that I feel sick, will I be overwhelmed by pure joy? I can't wait to find out.
It's weird after 7 months of being alone, raising 2 kids, it almost feels like this routine has become normal, that this is just how it is, the extent of our lives are through email and a very occassional phone call. I know that that is not how it is, and I can't wait for it to not be anymore, but at the moment it still doesn't feel real. I don't think it will feel real till I'm standing there waiting with my girls to see our man! I am nervous of how the girls will react, will they remember, will they be timid or scared, will they welcome him home with a big hug and kiss? These thoughts are almost driving me insane, not like I'm not already to that point anyways. This has been a long journey, so many things have happened that he has missed out on, I can't wait for him to get home and jump back into our family again!
I keep thinking of all the things I need to do, I need to clean the house, turn insurance and cell phones on, find something for me and the girls to wear, go grocery shopping, wash cars, the list seems endless, but in the end what does he care what I'm wearing or what the girls are wearing, will he even notice or remember? No probably not, but I know it's a thought that we all have, that we have to look perfect, I mean after all it's been 7 months.
I can't say it enough, but thank you to all my family and friends that have been by my side this whole 7 months, we have had some very good times, I just wish my man could have been here to share it with us! I love each and every one of you, and I don't know what I would have done without you! Especially my momma! After becoming a mom and then Will being gone for so long, I never realized how much I really needed my mom, even being so far away it is so good just to hear her voice, and all that she does for me, I can't thank you enough, I love you to pieces!!
Well I can't wait to start our journey together again, it will be such an amazing feeling to have him home again!! I also can't wait to begin writing the coming home blog, I am hoping to have it posted before we run out the house that day!! Thanks to all for everything!

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