Thursday, May 12, 2011

The sweet sound of Homecoming!

Well for those of you who want to hear about our homecoming here it is!!

Tuesday night after I finally got the whole to do list done, I finally was able to fall asleep at about 10:30, oh how quickly the alarm clock went off at 1:30. As I slowly got up and called the hotline for any updates on their arrival, the message said they had landed at midnight and would be there 3:30-4, about 30 minutes earlier than originally thought! I started going into panic mode thinking I wasn't going to make it. We had a couple of friends coming to support us and as I text them to tell them they were early and to call one of friends to wake him up, I told him to get up and hurry up! He came over help me hang the welcome home sign and get the girls in the car. As we drove over I was so anxious and nervous, more so that we weren't going to make it in time. I got a phone call that they were coming on base, ugh now I was more nervous I wasn't going to make it in time for the buses to pull up! As we got there and tried to find a spot to park, we got the girls in the stroller and were running over to the crowd of people. They told us that only four guys had come through, my heart started racing thinking that one of them could have been Will and I would have missed it! Our other friends pulled up right in time. I kept asking them all to watch for me while I dealt with the girls screaming at my feet (not a good way to start). Pablo finally started yelling at me that he saw him, as I fought with him that thas was not him, it turned out it was. I left the girls with our friends are ran to meet my man. It was the most amazing feeling to be held once again in his arms. To my suprise he didn't look any different than when he left. As he came to see the girls, since they were already upset that I ran off from them, they were not in a good mood at all. The look in his eyes to see his sweet girls was the best feeling ever!
Although yesterday was the longest day of my life, it was the most rewarding day! I was so amazed at how Will jumped back in. He was willing to change diapers, feed the girls, give them a bath whatever they needed he did whatever they would allow him to do. They are still hesitant but the day when better than I had expected for how little sleep we were all running on. I am so thankful to have my amazing husband back, to have our girls daddy back, and to be a family again! Thank you to all again, I am so blessed by my sweet family!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

EEK! The time is here!

After 7 long months, 210 days, going from 2 13 month olds to 2 20 month olds, this is what we have been through. After 2 sweet little girls started walking in January, to running, to now talking. After 12 holidays and 1 anniversary. After 6 trips to the ER (including Ava, my mom, and me), 2 croups, 1 stomach virus, 3 colds. After all fall and all winter and most of spring, the day has finally come, my man will be walking off that bus at anytime. We are done counting down the days we are now down to counting the minutes & seconds.

I have been waiting and dreaming of this moment since October 16, 2010 at 3 am, the day we said goodbye. As we didn't stick around to watch the buses leave, but we will be there early to welcome those same buses back. What will this moment feel like? Will it be everything I have thought it was going to be? I'm sure how could it not. Will the girls be so fussy that they ruin it for everyone else? Probably but oh well. Will I be able to recognize him with everyone else wearing the same thing? Uh it might take a minute, but hopefully. Thinking about this day and not really knowing how it's going to go, how late they will be, or how long our day will be, is so nerveracking but in such a good way.

We all have wishes, hopes, and dreams in life, all a military's family wants out of life is to have their families together. To not have to miss out on some of the most important days of their childrens lives. To be there to hold their wife when it's going all wrong, to be able to cook your husband dinner, or to know that he is in a bed and not on the ground.

They make a sacrifice that not many are willing to make, they truly are our heros, and we don't give them enough credit. Through all the holidays, all the weekends, being sick, they work, they don't get a day off. They don't get to go to bed early, or wake up late, they stay up most nights working to make sure that they bring home everyone they left with and to do their job.

Some people have a spouse that travels for work or works long days and late nights, but there is something about a military man coming home that only military spouses can relate to. The sense of security and excitement, to know that they are finally safe again, that you have made it all this time and nothing major went wrong. After all the nights waiting up late next to the phone, or with every knock on your door and your heart racing, or every car that stops in front of your house, those fears are all gone when they step off that bus. And for me that's today. I have never been more excited, more anxious, more nervous in my whole life. My adrenaline has started pumping fast, I just can't wait to see my man!!

Thanks to everyone for you love, prayers, and support I am proud to say that our family is back together!!

Finally the month of May!

From the day they leave we all look forward to entering the month they come home, well I have finally entered that month, thank the Lord! The true countdown can begin, I wish that you all could countdown with me, but because of safety I can't let that information out! I am so excited I get butterflies everytime I think about the moment he steps off that bus. I try to imagine what it will be like, will I be anxious/nervous, will I be so excited that I feel sick, will I be overwhelmed by pure joy? I can't wait to find out.
It's weird after 7 months of being alone, raising 2 kids, it almost feels like this routine has become normal, that this is just how it is, the extent of our lives are through email and a very occassional phone call. I know that that is not how it is, and I can't wait for it to not be anymore, but at the moment it still doesn't feel real. I don't think it will feel real till I'm standing there waiting with my girls to see our man! I am nervous of how the girls will react, will they remember, will they be timid or scared, will they welcome him home with a big hug and kiss? These thoughts are almost driving me insane, not like I'm not already to that point anyways. This has been a long journey, so many things have happened that he has missed out on, I can't wait for him to get home and jump back into our family again!
I keep thinking of all the things I need to do, I need to clean the house, turn insurance and cell phones on, find something for me and the girls to wear, go grocery shopping, wash cars, the list seems endless, but in the end what does he care what I'm wearing or what the girls are wearing, will he even notice or remember? No probably not, but I know it's a thought that we all have, that we have to look perfect, I mean after all it's been 7 months.
I can't say it enough, but thank you to all my family and friends that have been by my side this whole 7 months, we have had some very good times, I just wish my man could have been here to share it with us! I love each and every one of you, and I don't know what I would have done without you! Especially my momma! After becoming a mom and then Will being gone for so long, I never realized how much I really needed my mom, even being so far away it is so good just to hear her voice, and all that she does for me, I can't thank you enough, I love you to pieces!!
Well I can't wait to start our journey together again, it will be such an amazing feeling to have him home again!! I also can't wait to begin writing the coming home blog, I am hoping to have it posted before we run out the house that day!! Thanks to all for everything!