Sunday, January 9, 2011

finally home!

Yesterday as we started our day out to a rough start, since the girls never do what I want them to when I want them to, they got up too early for the long day that I knew we would have. We left for the airport at 9:45 our flight left at 12:35 (that's missing nap number 1), they finally fell asleep for about an hour and it is not comfortable holding 20 lbs still for that long. The flight was actually half way decent, a little fussing here and there but not bad. My sweet neighbor picked us up from the airport, and I had to say goodbye to my mom after 7 weeks of her help was really hard, I miss her already! After such a long day the girls were exhausted but I just couldn't put them to bed at 5 p.m. and holding them off for bed is a nightmare. We finally made it to 6:30...the poor things didn't really remember their room and were scared at first and woke up a couple times crying not knowing where they were! I am hoping now that the holidays are over and we are back to our daily normal routine time will start to go by a little faster. The first 4 weeks flew by in a blink of an eye, but since then it has been creeping so slowly that I feel that we will never make it. I feel that this life has become normal, and I hate that, this is not my life...I know I'm a military wife and this is how it is, but I am married and my girls have an amazing daddy! I want that life back!

"At night when I crawl in my bed,
My lonely pillow beneath my head,
I close my eyes and say a prayer.
God keep him safe way over there,
And make me strong so I won't cry.

It's kind of hard to be alone,
And teach the kids as they've grown,
Without the strength of a fathers hand
To guide them in this troubled land.

So I'll need a little help from you,
to let me know what I should do.
And God will you please let him know,
that we love and miss him so.

And then I feel across the bed,
To where he used to lay his head,
And I close my eyes so very tight,
So I won't cry again tonight,
And whisper to the evening air,
Good night my love way over there!"

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