Saturday, January 1, 2011

It is a new year!

2010 was a good year, it was full of love, family, and good times...there wasn't anything too exciting that happened, other than my girls turned 1. Although ringing in the new year our first year of marriage we spent it in Vegas (and I was sick), then last year we didn't even make it to midnight (sick again), this year I spent it with family, but I didn't get to ring in the new year with a kiss from my husband, and althought we didn't make it to midnight last year at least I got to wake up in the new year with my man by my side. Time has been going so slow, but at least now I get to say I will see you this year, we will be together soon (but not soon enough), we get to ring in our new year with a kiss in May, we get to hold hands and be giddy like we are 16 again, oh how I can't wait. There is so much to look forward to this year, my love comes home, my girls turn two, I get to spend time with friends, family!! I hope everyone has a wonderful new year, and counts all their blessings, and never takes a second of their day for granted. We can't wait to welcome home all our loved ones, who have missed so much!

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