Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Most days being a mom is so rewarding, I get paid with sweet smiles, slobbery kisses, and the chance to see my girls grow and learn before my eyes. But why is it when they are sick we don't get a little pay? I'm getting paid with no sleep, sucking out boogers, fussy girls, and the worst exhaustion of my life. We are now going on 2 1/2 weeks of being sick and the girls got it in full force, sometimes I don't know what to do. Raising two kids alone is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, I can't rely on my other half to help me out when I need a little sleep or when I need to feel better too. I can't wait to have my husband home, not only to have our family together again, but to also get a little break! The past few days have felt like they are never going to end, no naps, no sleep, no eating, no breaks...what do I do? As I sit here complaining, knowing that it is not going to make my life any easier or make my girls or me any better, I can hear them through the monitor in their room saying hi back and forth to each other. It's encouraging to hear there is still some sweet pea in them even when they don't feel well, that's more than I can say about myself. I have been in one of the worst moods of my life, because it is so discouraging being sick for so long and knowing that your doctor won't do a thing about it, that I can't get out of my funk, and I know it's not the girls fault and that them getting sick is only my fault, so why should I take it out on them.

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