Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So recently I have found that I am addicted to something, I have been addicted for a while, Will would always ask are you doing that again... but now this addiction has spun out of control, I find myself doing it ALL the time, no matter what I'm doing I'm doing this! My addiction is playing solitaire on my phone, a lame addiction, but that's mine! Sometimes when I'm playing and there are two of the same card and I have to choose between which one to move, do I take the one on the smaller pile to make some room for a King down there or do I take the one off the big pile to make it smaller? I have found that this game is alot like my life, do I figure out the small problems first to make them go away, or do I try to pick away at my large problems to make it more even instead of letting them all build up in one big mass? As I thought about how I solve problems I figured out that I don't really solve them, I tend to push them off to the side and ignore them, sometimes I feel as if they don't really matter when in reality they do matter. If my life was really like solitaire I would be able to hit the undo button whenever and as many times as I would like, but since life is not a game, I can't! I have always stood by the motto of not regretting anything, it has made me who I am today...but really don't we all have a little regret lying around? As I think of some of the things I could regret, there is actually alot of times where I would like to hit that undo button a few times and try again. I know that if I had done anything differently in my life that I might not be where I am today, with the husband, and two wonderful girls that I I try not to dwell on the past, but on the future that I have with my family and make decisions right the first time so I don't have to try to push that undo button later on.

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