Friday, October 29, 2010


Today I feel as though I have been hit by a train and it stopped and back over me and then kept going and ran over me again...pure exhaustion! My mind, body, everything about me has no energy left. There is no much to do in this house, but my body can't function to do it and my mind is not functioning to put what it thinks into words. I have done something with my sweet friends just about everyday this week, and it still feels like life is moving in slow motion, why can't it go by faster? I was thinking about it the other night if I write a blog everyday (which I don't know if I actually will, but say I do) then I will have written 211 blogs...that's a ton! Seeming that I'm only on what day 9 or 10 if even that, gosh it's not even close to a dent in it. Today is me vs. the commissary, oh how I hate the commissary especially when it's so close to payday, but my children do need to eat so I guess I have to go...there is nothing like old people or just annoying people standing in the middle of the aisle with their carts deciding what kind of beans they want or looking at every package of eggs before they take the first one they opened, or should they go with the value pack of toilet paper or just a 6 pack. I hate the commissary, but it's the closest, cheapest, and the only one that has a double seater cart. And as much as I do dislike the commissary this will be the 3rd time I have gone since my husband left 2 weeks ago tomorrow... I go and have a list and as I pass something I think ah I'll come back to it, and then I forget it (probably like most people do), but then I went the 2nd time with only 4 or 5 things on it that I had forgotten the first time and still forgot stuff...uhhh I could scream it's so annoying! I still have the deployment wife brain (one that can't function or remember anything), maybe in a couple weeks or months it will straighten out, but if you ask me to do something or I tell you something, you better be ready to remind me 400 times over again until it happens...cuz I can't remember a darn thing!

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