Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Girls are monsters!

In the midst of a great afternoon yesterday, I knew that the girls had to get down for a nap by 2 so they would be in good shape to go to the pumpkin patch with some friends! When 2:30 rolled around I decided to go up there and lay them back down and give them their paci's...when that didn't work, I went back up 30 minutes later to try again! It still didn't work, so I just said forget about it, they can play in their beds and maybe they will fall asleep. They never did, so I went up at 3:45 knowing that they needed their snack and to get dressed before we were needing to leave by 4:30. When I got close to their room I started to smell this horrible stinch and when I went in the smell got worse, I couldn't figure out what it was, until....I looked at Ava and immediately knew what the stink was, she had poop all over her face, her hands, her head, her bed, the walls, EVERYWHERE! She had taken her diaper off and decided to play in her own fecal matter! I was kind of angry, but I know she doesn't know what she is doing...she had to have a bath and all the bedding and toys and blankets had to be washed. We did manage to get a snack, get dressed, and out the door by 4:30 to head to the pumpkin patch! Like I said before as much as I would like to be able to control my children and their schedule they do their own thing on their own time, and when we need a schedule the most is when it usually doesn't work out!

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