Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 6 of photo challenge-Inspiration!!!

So my sweet neighbor taught me how to put a video in a blog...thank goodness for her and her husband who fixed my computer...I almost had a panich attack when it wouldn't work right! Anyways this is for those of you who didn't look it up! This song actually goes with my photo challenge today, this song almost inspires me to not be sad, to know that he is coming home, and it will be over before I know it...It inspires me to be strong and know that there are so many of us out there going through this right now, and will go through it soon!

Day 6- A photo that inspires you

This is a really big category for me...there is so much in life that inspires me.

This is our sweet girls the day after they were born, their cords, wires, and all. God blessed us with two beautiful girls, and I can't imagine my life any less hectic or different. It is amazing to think that these two bundles of joy grew inside my belly, that life was created in there. Pregnancy still amazes me everyday, and to see even when your babies are 8 weeks early, how good God is no matter what, He kept them healthy and strong.

There is so much about this picture that is inspiring to me, first of all the ocean amazes me, when I look at it and I can't see past it, and to know how much life and things that are in there...It is so huge and almost overwhelming. Second, my girls are always inspiring to me, they are what keeps me strong and pushing through everyday. Third, my husband, he inspires me, he is wonderful. He makes me want to be a better person, and he inspires me to strive to be better everyday! I love him with my whole heart, and can't wait for him to be home. And fourth the sand really inspires me, to feel it between my toes, cold on my feet..ahh there is nothing like barefeet, cold sand, and your family on the beach...I love it!!

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