Friday, November 5, 2010

Thankful for....

So yesterday I opened a new roll of paper towels and written on them it said there is so much to be thankful for if you just take the time to look! And since it is almost Thanksgiving, I wanted to write what I am thankful for and blessed with!
I am thankful for first and foremost a gracious, forgiving, caring Lord God Almighty... He loves me no matter what, He is strong when I am weak, and He forgives me when I fall down and stumble along the way. I am thankful for my amazing husband, who is also my best friend, I couldn't imagine my life without him, he has always been there for me through thick and thin, through the good times and the bad, who works his rear end off so I can stay home and raise our girls. I am thankful for my two beautiful daughters who make my day so much brighter even when I just look at them. Caring for them by myself might be hard but it is so rewarding to see the way they look at me and want to snuggle with me, I couldn't imagine having two better girls! I am thankful for my family, my mom and dad have always been huge supporters of me and everything I do, my mom is always willing to help me with anything and everything, and I have always been a daddys girl...I am still his pumpkin pie. My in-laws are amazing, I never have to even ask they are always offering their time and things to make my life a little easier. I am thankful for my friends, without them I don't know how I would make it through this hard time, being able to get to know them and spend time with them is some of the best part of my days. I am thankful for a roof over my head, for my health and my families health, for the food that we have to put on the table (or the money to go get food, since I don't usually cook when I'm alone), for modes of transportation, for the clothes that I have! I am so thankful for everything I have, but I hate to see that most of us (including me) don't take the time to think about it and be thankful for all of our things until this time of year! I hope that you can also see all the things in your life that you are blessed with and be thankful for them, even the little ones.

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