Thursday, November 4, 2010

Death & Day 3 of Photo Challenge!

For some reason today my heart, my mind, and my body all feel overwhelmed, I feel as though I have run out of steam to keep going! My poor girls have been getting wipe baths instead of real baths because a real bath is so time consuming and so hard for me to do alone, but finally last night I gave them a bath...the first one in 3 days! Life is going 1000 mph around me and I can't keep up, but the days seem to drag out and are so long. The other day I got an email from our FRO (family readiness officer), he keeps us all posted on things that are going on around base, our guys, and other things that are happening...anyways the first line of the email was he was sorry to inform us that there had already been a casualty in 2/1 (my husbands unit) heart sank, I couldn't get through the email fast enough to find out who it was. He said he would post us later on of what happened, but it was like getting punched in the stomach so hard you can't get up afterward...I can't believe they haven't even been there 3 weeks and this has already happened. My heart goes out to the family, but in a way I feel happy that it's not my family that this happened to. Is that wrong or selfish? I don't know what I would do without my husband, my soul mate, my best could never be the same!

Day 3- A picture of your street!

These are actually pictures that my neighbor took of our street, I just took them from her blog (since Wills car is in the first picture)

This is a view from our backyard...I love waking up to see the ocean every morning, this is my favorite thing about this house!

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