Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is it good enough?

So I decided to take a break yesterday, I didn't really feel like doing much. I know I should be taking advantage of this time that I have, especially with my girls. I feel as though I should be trying new things, being adventurous, finding a hobby...but really I don't care about doing any of those things. I have been told repeatedly that raising twins gets easier as they get a little older...for me it has gotten harder. When they were babies all they did was eat and sleep, now I have to fight with them to take a 2nd nap. When they first started eating table foods, they enjoyed just about everything, other than meats, now they won't even eat their favorite thing...pasta! People say they won't starve themselves they will eat when they are hungry, I am starting to think differently, I seriously think they are going to starve themselves. How can I get them to eat, I feel like a bad parent, that my kids are going to be malnurished, or something of that sort. I have also gotten the comment a thousand times well why don't you and other wives switch off with babysitting, or find a babysitter (this is from strangers), because we don't want to watch anymore children than we already is hard enough for me at least with the two of them, I don't want to be adding in any other ones, and I know other people feel the same way. Some random lady last night put her input in and I didn't really care to hear it...she kept going on and on about if I had help, or someone to watch them, and she told me she had a friend who does things for military wives and she would get them to email me...I don't want your help lady!!! I have a really hard time meeting new people and talking to them, and since I have had the girls, strangers talk to me like they have known me for years, they give advice, some helpful, most not, but it's just so aggravating to me...can't people see I'm doing the best I can, that raising the two of them alone is really hard, but that I'm managing, I'm getting by or else I wouldn't be out in public if I couldn't do it! I am tired, exhausted, my body hurts, I'm lonely and I want my hubby back...but I'm doing all I can to raise my girls to the best of my ability, but what if it's not good enough?

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