Monday, November 1, 2010

It's our anniversary!

I can't believe the month of November is here, I have such a busy month and hope that I can stay busy so it flies by...some friends hair to do for their balls, baby shower, my momma comes, we fly to Texas, and Thanksgiving...but most importantly our 2 year wedding anniversary is today! Nothing like having two special days back to back! So I figured I would tell you all how we met, fell in love, and our story!
We both grew up in Denton, Tx, Will had been there his whole life, but I was born in Houston, moved quite a few times and then a couple times around the Denton area. We started going to Denton Bible way back, I don't even remember how long it's been! 8 years ago this past summer we met at church, ah it was like automatic fireworks (for me at least, I don't know about him)! We were going to be working the kids sports world together, so I found out what sport he was coaching for and I signed up for the same one, it was basketball...I played basketball in junior high and highschool, but my real passion was volleyball, but I didn't care I coached basketball so I could get to know him better. We ended up starting to "date" right away, although are parents weren't too thrilled with the idea of two 15 year olds dating, but we liked each other alot! We turned 16 and we were able to actually go places, see movies, out to dinner, or just hang out at each others houses! I remember the first time he told me he loved a letter :) so when I asked why he couldn't say it to me it was always in just a little note, he stuttered it out! At the end of our sophmore year of highschool we broke up, we didn't want to be those people who had never dated anyone else, who were highschool sweet hearts but later get divorced because they didn't know what else was out there, and we wanted to focus on our sports and our last highschool years! We both dated other people and it would make me so jealous when he would bring one of his other girlfriends to church, ugh I would be so angry! We happened to keep running into each other at random places (besides Church) for the rest of our highschool years. Then his senior year he joined the Marine Corps, he was gone before the graduation ceremony had even taken place! We didn't have much communication for a while, but then all of a sudden I got an email out of the blue, he was in Iraq for his first deployment, and had also been stationed in Japan...I couldn't believe he emailed me, it was so random. We started emailing regularly, just about everyday I would hear from him, and then he would let me know when he would be gone for a week for a mission. He said when I come home for Christmas can I take you out to dinner, I said of course! So Christmas time rolled around and he came over for Christmas eve and we all hung out and talked then he took me to On the Border, and it was like reuniting with an old best friend, but better! He was about to leave when we were outside talking, and he said to me when I get stationed in California I want you to come out there and marry me...I didn't quite process the information until a couple days later when I had had time to think about it! So I emailed him after he had already left for Japan and asked him if he was serious about what he had said! He said well of course or else he wouldn't have said it! So I said ok, from then on we started talking wedding, with our families and friends...everyone was so shocked, where did this come from, didn't ya'll just start talking again? Our hearts had always been in love, but our minds were in different places! We decided to get the Chapel at our home Church for New Years Eve, it was going to be a celebration! By September we had just about everything ready, but we were afraid he was going to get deployed early that next year, so we moved our wedding up almost two months, everybody got frantic that it was now just a month away instead of 2! There was one little problem, he hadn't proposed to me yet! He came home for leave when he was being switched duty stations from Japan to California and we all thought that's when the proposal would happen....but NO! I decided to make a trip out to Cali and see him, it was August 26 2008 and we stayed in Coronado for a nice long weekend, then one night he took me out to dinner at IL Fornao (don't know how to spell it) and then we took a walk around the beautiful park and beach, he got down on one knee and gave me a beautiful speech that I don't remember because I was so shocked he did it in front of so many people walking by! He gave me a dog tag that said Michelle Barns My Princess Always and Forever, well of course I had to say yes! I got to spend 10 days with him, that was the most I had seen him since we dated our sophmore year! I flew home the day before my birthday, but was really bummed, so we immediately booked me another flight out for October! Military couples are different in their way of marriage and have to be married in order to get your off base housing allowance in order for the guys to move out of the barracks. So when I came out in October we started looking for somewhere to live, we saw an apartment complex looked and agreed that would work for us, but we couldn't sign a lease until we were married which meant we would have no were to live when we moved out there in we drove to Vegas and got married on Oct. 11, I know not many people know this...our parents know but most of our home friends and other family members don't know! We wanted to keep the wedding special and for everyone to still attend! We were able to get all the we needed done so we could have a place to live immediately when we moved out! November finally rolled around and it was our wedding day, we had an amazing beautiful wedding, and the chapel was filled with people, it was a day I will never forget, and I had the most handsome groom dressed in his dress blues! That night we flew out for our honeymoon, we went to the Poconos (don't know how to spell that either)...we had a blast just relaxing, getting to take a day trip up to New York, and just having fun! It was soon over and back to reality and moving...we had the movers back up all my stuff out of storage and off to California we went! It was pretty normal around here for the first couple months, then January rolled around and I found out I was pregnant (wahoo, we were so excited), but then January 28 I had a miscarriage, it was one of the hardest days of my life! We picked our heads up and new we would have another chance! By the end of February I found out I was pregnant again...we weren't going to announce this one other than to family only! In early March I went to the hospital for bleeding, I just knew I was having another miscarriage, when we got there they said everything looked ok and the bloodwork was fine but they would do an ultrasound just to make sure! When the ER nurse stopped and paused and looked confused, she said "I have only ever seen this on one other person" we were confused by what she was talking about, she said "You're having twins"....WHAT no that's not possible, we don't have twins in our families, we hadn't done any kind of treatments...nothing! My pregnancy went great, we had a couple problems of early contractions, and morning sickness, but other than that it was great...we did everything went to disneyland, stayed in Coronado, and went body boarding at the beach everyweekend, even the day before my water broke! On September 12 our beautiful girls were born, although the next four weeks were long with them in the hospital we were so blessed to have two beautiful healthy girls! Life as we knew it had changed, we were parents and we didn't get out much anymore we just stayed put to feed the girls every 4 hours and to nap all day! The past two years have been so eventful for us, but so fun as well! I couldn't ask for a better husband and two sweeter girls, I have the perfect family! I know no one is perfect, but my family is perfect for me, their flaws and all. My husband means the world to me, and I fall in love with him more everyday, I can't wait to have him back home with us. I hope you all enjoy our love story and our journey as much as I have. I am so blessed!

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