Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 8&9 of photo challenge!

Well Day 8 is actually supposed to be a picture of your commute, and since I don't have a commute I decided to skip this one...the only normal commute I have is either to the commissary or to the mall!!

So Day 9 is a photo that was taken that you love
Yet again another one that there are so many pictures to share!!
This is the first time we found out we were having twins...what a suprise, but such a wonderful suprise it has been!!!

This is when we found out we were having two girls, it was a 3D ultrasound, but the best picture was the one that wasn't 3D, the only one with both my girls together!! They kicked each other the whole time!

The girls first couple of days home from the hospital, these were preemie diapers on them, they were so tiny that the nurses in the NICU gave them under 3 lb. diapers to wear.

The girls first trip to the beach, we went to have some pictures taken for Christmas cards (we never sent them out), and they slept the whole time, never woke up to enjoy the cool air, the gorgeous ocean, or the sand between everything.

This is a perfect example of how life still is these days, Ava screaming or being loud and Jaelyn sticking her fingers in her ears to tune her out!! They are best friends and have been since before they were even born!! I love my girls so much, they make each day so much better, and a BIT more entertaining.

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