Sunday, November 14, 2010

One month down!!

So we have officially made it one month, YAY!! Now only 6 more to go. Normally for a training I would be getting the house cleaned up and ready for him to come home this week or next, it still seems so weird not to have him home after this long. Anyways to celebrate me and the girls did a walmart trip, and then we went to Chili's (alone), this is my first restaurant experience by myself. Everyone stared at me, and I could see the looks on their faces that these two little babies were going to ruin everyone's dinner by crying or being loud...well they actually did really good, they sat us in a booth so the girls had to sit next to each other (never a good idea), Jaelyn kept hitting Ava and kept pulling on her shirt, Ava got a bit upset, but other than that they did great!
With the holidays right around the corner and starting to see all the decorations at stores and malls, it makes me a bit know that I will spend all these holidays alone. I kind of feel like I don't want to participate in anything, why can't we just treat it like any other day? It's not like the girls understand it's Thanksgiving or Christmas. I don't want to buy presents or receive presents without my hubby...I hate knowing that I will be enjoying family, friends, food, and holidays while he is not getting to do anything. It makes me really sad!

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